WordPress Is Now Facebook, Twitter And Instagram

Oh My! Say it ain’t so, Sheriff!

Yes, Dear Hearts, the best blogging site out there, has been discovered by the cancel crowd. They now think WordPress is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and all the other platforms where they can hide behind a keyboard and burn down the mission with hateful, moronic verbiage. In the past 14 years I have been blogging, there have been only a handful of inappropriate comments thrown my way; some I responded to, others got the trash can symbol. My most recent post, ” High Noon At The Border,” must have caused folks to lose some brain cells and hide in their safe rooms.

Sure, it’s comedy; anyone with half a brain can see that, although I now know there are folks out there who take it seriously. I received one comment from a former Texan who was dragged to California at a young age. She wrote an alternate scenario about the border, which was snarky, well-written, but full of venom. I can picture her at her Apple laptop, tapping away, sipping on a latte’ in between sobs. You can bet she is a Garrison Keillor fan and listens to NPR. I hope the crazed woman doesn’t have access to an assault rifle, most folks know I live in Granbury, Texas, and I wouldn’t be too hard to find. Out of respect for my readers, I ditched her cute little reply, as well as a few others that started with an F and ended with a k..you get the message. I must be on the right path if it offends the ones that cause all the trouble in this country. I’m rather enjoying this.

21 Replies to “WordPress Is Now Facebook, Twitter And Instagram”

  1. I only had one horrible experience. I had commented on someone’s blog that contrary to what they had been saying for a year, she was NOT an evil person (for very little poor treatment of some guy), and other things. And I related how I’d beat myself up for a long time and realized it was actually pretty self-absorbed. And was a waste of time when maybe I could do some positive things to make up for my short comings. She’d been doing this for a year and I tactfully shared my experience with this. I got attacked by her and all her friends calling me a TERF and all this. They came on my site to continue on. Lots of F words and more. I had to block them all which took some time. But other than that, no bad experiences. But you are hilarious. Don’t stop whatever you do. I haven’t read that piece yet. I will.

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  2. Yes I escaped from those other platforms to WordPress, and so far the absence of vitriol has been welcome. However, I did take offense at your comment about the Apple computer. I have been an Apple user since 1984, and so far it has not impacted my ability to maintain my conservative political, social, and Christian bonafides. 😁😁😁😁😁😉


    1. Accept my humble apology, I only meant that most folks of the left side of the planet usually use Apple products exclusively. I had an Apple laptop and use an Apple iPhone, so I must be a hypocrite? or something akin to that. My church pastor uses an Apple laptop, so I will have a word with him on Sunday, although I don’t think he reads my blog, and that’s a good thing. Thanks for the funny comments.


  3. Actually, it’s a bad week for me if I can’t rile the derangement syndrome idiots up. Take it in stride. Weed ’em out. Delete ’em out. Move ’em out. Rawhide!

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  4. Sorry, but if that’s true, it’s the second site I’ve experienced this with. Not yet for me. I’m pretty safe though because most cretins from the California Territory can’t read more than 25 words – causes brain apnea – they can’t focus. Press on. You can delete and block those few idiots. Something I’ve only had to do once to date. Gee, does that make us part of the cancel culture?


  5. I had some problems with a girl who moved to Californication also. So much like the one you’re talking about. She couldn’t believe I was voting for Trump, and all her friends jumped me. Don’t believe I’ll be celebrating her birthday again any time soon.

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    1. Funny but strange, the crazy person commented on my FB Notes From The Cactus Patch page. A thinly veiled threat, but a threat. So now, I have to watch my doorbell camera and string razor wire around my property. People used to have a sense of humor. Good to know yours is intact.

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