“As The Cactus Patch Turns,”June 3rd, 2023

A Birthday For The Ages

It seems my oldest granddaughter, my only one, has obtained her driver’s license and is now eager to “Take to the highway, won’t you lend me your name, my way and your way seem to be one and the same.” ( James Taylor) For her birthday, which is today, we gifted her our 2008 Honda CRV. It’s a mighty little chariot with 167K miles and can hold its own against any new cars. She’s a bit fastidious, so I know she will care for her car and herself. Happy Birthday, sweet Madalyn. The only thing that would make a better day would be for your father to celebrate with us. I’m certain he is at Heaven’s portal watching you; don’t speed or run a stop sign, and don’t smoke cigarettes.

Planting For Dollars, Slave Labor, and Chicken Poop Fertilizer

When I started landscaping our property four years ago, I promised myself the foliage would be drought-tolerant and sparse, with more gravel and rocks than plants. Somewhere along the journey, my artistic genes kicked in, and the property became more of a canvas than a plot of soil. I have now done myself in, backed into a flora corner with no escape. The plants know me by name, call to me in my dreams and watch me as I meander around. It’s akin to “The Little Shop Of Horrors,” Feed me they scream as I beat them off my leg. One Chaste bush dared to grab my arm with a firm grip, demanding more fertilizer. My wife has no pity for me. I’m a doomed man. I have discovered natural chicken poop fertilizers, which is mildly repugnant, but the plants adore it.

Looking At Politics In My Rear View Mirror

In the past few days, I realized that I am done with politics. Both sides of our republic are equally to blame and are equally criminal. Our founding fathers, much less flawed than our current crop of grifters, had the forethought to see the future and what it might become; thus, the constitution and our laws that no one in the tidal basin seems to know, the first thing about. Payola, quid-pro-quo, back-scratching, good-ole-boy, kiss-ass, grab-ass, and insider trading is the rule of the day. Thanks to social media, our world is not a better place. Life before cell phones and the internet was manageable and somewhat more peaceful. I’m thinking limiting my television time to re-runs of “The Andy Griffith Show,” “The Dick Van Dyke Show,” and possibly ” Leave It To Beaver” would be beneficial to my health.

Read a Good Book And Improve Your Mind, Or Read a Bad One And Ruin It…

I’m halfway through a Biography of the great newsman Walter Cronkite. Watching him on television in my formative years gave me the lust for news, which I now find a curse. Uncle Walt, Grandfather Walt, whatever we chose to call him, was the real deal and gave it to us straight up with no BS. I am also trying to read a novel by Tom Hanks and I realize that Tom needs to stick to acting and reciting lines written by young hipsters; he is fooling himself if he believes he is an author. He ain’t Mark Twain or Truman Capote. I don’t see myself finishing the book and will likely sell it back to Half Price Books for almost nothing. ” The Killers of The Flower Moon,” a soon-to-be motion picture with Leonardo DiCraprio and Robert De’Craprio is the true account of how a group of greedy land and oil barrons stole the oil-rich land in Oklahoma from the Native Americans. Since I am of that heritage, I will enjoy this one. I also found my original “Roy Rogers” book from when I was five, so I may give that a re-visit, as well as “To Kill A Mockingbird.” I wrote a letter to the once great magazine, “Texas Monthly,” which my wife gave me a three-year subscription to, informing them that they are no longer the center of the universe and Austin is no longer a part of Texas. I miss Gary Cartwright, Stephen Harrigan, and Dan Jenkins; I also miss Bob Wills and Cindy Walker, as well as Billy Joe Shaver.

Spotify Has Liquified My Brain

My granddaughter introduced me to the popular streaming music service, Spotify. I am addicted. All the songs I love from my teen years are there, and the classic country music is endless. Patsy Cline, Haggard, Waylon and Willie and the boys. I’ve recently re-discoverd the beloved and talented, John Prine. What a loss to the world of music when he passed. “Angel From Montgomery” and “Clay Pigeons” are two of his great ones. Now, If I can figure out how to block anything by Taylor Swift and Beyonce, It will be a perfect companion.

4 Replies to ““As The Cactus Patch Turns,”June 3rd, 2023”

  1. (1) A man in Rhode Island, who didn’t want his granddaughter to drive too far away in the event of car trouble, handed her the keys and said, “Sweetie, you can take to the highway. Just don’t leave the state.” I’m not sure that works in Texas.
    (2) So you’re a henpecked man now? You’re doomed to feed plants chicken poop fertilizer?
    (3) “Payola, quid-pro-quo, back-scratching, good-ole-boy, kiss-ass, grab-ass, and insider trading is the rule of the day.” Sometimes it’s good to break the rules.
    (4) I remember watching Walter Cronkite’s live coverage of the moon landing on July 20, 1969. CBS offered a recording of the historic event on vinyl. I bought the record, played it once, and set it aside. I still have it.
    (5) Maybe Spotifiy should modify its musical offerings?


  2. Happy B-day, granddaughter! A Honda CRV is a grand vehicle. My very first car was an old 1977 hatchback Civic 4sp. My mom got it for me for college travel (she always took me to school but, college proved too difficult). It was 1984 and I drove that thing to literal death. I swear I think Civics from the 70s were modeled after VW bugs.

    Careful, now, with the plants. They may adore you so much that they may turn you into the next Green Man. Have any pagan leanings?

    Politics will rot your brain.

    There are a lot of veterans, older ones I have met, that hated Cronkite. My ex-Marine was one. They were not happy about his Vietnam broadcasts. To them, he was right up there with being spit on, flipped off & called baby killers. I was too young to remember any of his early 70s nightly broadcasts but, OMG the vitriol from the veterans. I had a book, once, written by Kathy Cronkite. She suffered from terrible depression.

    Regarding Tom Hanks, I hope someone takes out his pedophile ass. Ditto Bite-Me & his whole corrupt clan.

    I am of the same “heritage.”

    Spotify reminds me of Neil Young’s temper tantrum over Joe Rogan.


    1. Cronkite was behind the war effort at first, but never stopped his support of the fighting men, even after he learned that LBJ and his ilk had been feeding him false information for years. I’m just getting to the part where his career tanked his family. Very sorry about the treatment of your husband, I saw a lot of that in Dallas when the guys were coming into Love Field. Disgusting.

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