We All Could Use A Little Mercy Now

My granddaughter recently introduced me to the music streaming service Spotify; I am officially hooked on this application that is now on my laptop and my iPhone. John Prine, Emmy Lou, Willie and Waylon, and Lyle Lovett, they are all on there. One artist I had not heard of is Mary Gaither, a grammy winning folk singer. I thank the good Lord for helping me find Mary and her music.

One song, in particular, grabs me by the heart. ” Mercy Now.” She came to write this song by living it or knowing someone who has walked that path. I think we all have walked that path at one time or another; I know my trail is well-worn like the wagon tracks on the prairie.

Lyrics to “Mercy Now”

First Verse;

My father
could use a little mercy now
The fruits of his labor fall
and rot slowly on the ground
His work is almost over
it won’t be long; he won’t be around
I love my father; he could use some mercy now

My father has been gone for a long while, since 1995, my mother since 1998, and my oldest son since 2012. I still think of them, but not as often as I once did or should, but this song washes me in their memory. My father started his life as a country musician and ended it as a successful home builder. He became ill in 1994, struggled, and fought a mighty battle, but passed from brain cancer. When he passed, he and I were at odds on a few things that we never resolved, and I deeply regret that. I, if anyone, should have shown him and my son a little mercy; it should have been me. My failure to forgive is my burden to carry. We all are flawed people. God made us that way so he could lead us back to him and give us our faith or let us ride the express train to hell. It’s our decision. Fathers, mothers, sons, sisters, and daughters should put aside their pettiness, interferences, verbal battles, and self-righteous beliefs. Some, too soon, will leave this world, and it should be on good terms and wrapped in forgiveness and love. We will all die, and mercy is our gift to our loved ones.

Third and Fourth Verse That Sums Up Our World

My church and my country
could use a little mercy now
As they sink into a poisoned pit
it’s going to take forever to climb out
They carry the weight of the faithful
who follow them down
I love my church and country,
they could use some mercy now
Every living thing could use a little mercy now

Only the hand of grace can end the race toward another mushroom cloud
People in power,
they’ll do anything to keep their crown
I love life and life itself
could use some mercy now
could use a little mercy now

I know we don’t deserve it
But we need it anyhow
We hang in the balance
Dangle ‘tween hell and hallowed ground
Every single one of us
could use some mercy now
Every single one of us
could use some mercy now

Not since World War II has our country teetered on the verge of war, not just two enemies, but many that will come at us from all continents and within our own country. Our leaders, hungry for power and greed, have let us become weak and lost. Our Churches and our pastors try to appease everyone instead of leading their flock by the word of the Bible and leading us in the right direction. People are angry at one another, some for a good reason, but many are taking their anger and misfortunes out on the innocents, family, or strangers around them.

We all should show a little mercy now.

13 Replies to “We All Could Use A Little Mercy Now”

  1. Deep down Phil…they know how we feel. There was some stuff also in the air with my dad and me but I knew he loved me and I loved him.
    I agree with you…I’ve never seen this country so divided.


    1. Yes, Max, they do know. My youngest, now in his forties, disagree on politics, but he knows it’s only that, a different view. I fear the division will worsen this summer, but I hope to be wrong.


  2. I’m sending this along to my facebook page. I do know God has a plan, and I’m going to try my best to go along with what he lets happen, like it or not.


    1. Thank you for doing that. There is a plan for us all, if only, we had an inkling what that might be. Some of us, find our early on, others, not until they reach their end race. Perhaps mine is writing about friends and family, things that make them smile, or tear up, at this point in life, I cry at commercials. Hope you are well in Gilmer, you’ve had some rough weather out that way in the past few weeks.


  3. My belated condolences on your losses. In living with the mistakes we’ve made, we know to do better when next faced with [not necessarily] similar circumstances. Lessons learned still, can be difficult to execute. This, from personal experience. As to the anger and hatred festering in our country, you are correct but… I am reminded of the county pastor who advised his congregation to “turn the other cheek.” Pressed by one of his flock, “And when the devil strikes your other cheek, what then, Pastor?” the Parson offered, “I’ve looked to the The Book, and nowhere do I see what you should do then; I reckon you are on your own with your conscience then.” We’ve been repeatedly stuck on the “other cheek” and because we’ve not had the courage to face down our assailants and show them their repeated transgressions do not warrant forgiveness, we find ourselves facing opposition that believes itself impervious to immediate judgement. There is some truth not against teachings in the saying, “Walk softly but carry a big stick.” Time for a trip to the woodshed, I think.


    1. Well said. The big stick is the right choice. Violence is everywhere, and none of us are safe. Pastor Rafael Cruz, the father of Ted Cruz says it best; our churches and pastors have let us down by trying to appease to everyone instead of leading the way.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Good post, Phil. Just went out and listened to the song and see that’s one they played on “Yellowstone” which is a really excellent series. It’s coming up on the first anniversary of my mom’s passing, so your post and the song hit a tender spot. Lots of food for thought.


    1. I stumbled into the song on Spotify and as you say, it hit every chord with me. John Prine is another one to listen. His songs tell stories and even though he’s not the best singer, he hits a lot of nerves in a good way.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. The good news is God knows your heart. Good words here, and we really need to trust God’s plan in this crazy world. Pray, and trust. 🙏And show love to others always.


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