“The Truth Is Out There; We Are Not Alone. See… I Told You So!”

Bugs and Marvin The Martian, courtesy of Mel Blanc

Since childhood, I knew we were not alone in this universe. A steady diet of space movies on channel 11 made a believer out of me. “The Forbidden Planet” with the robot and that hubba-hubba Ann Francis chick, and “Invaders From Mars,” where kidnapped folks had a red glowing jewel drilled into their neck, became zombies, and were sucked into the Martian cave via sand dunes. Those are the two that gave me screaming assed nightmares but piqued my still-forming juvenile imagination into what it is today. Certain that I saw a UFO over the Gulf of Mexico when I was eight years old, a run-in with small grey alien beings when I was abducted from my warm bed, taken aboard a mother ship, and implanted with a device that tracked my life and gave me superior mental powers over my childhood friends. I was hooked like a crappie on a purple people eater jigamajig spinner.

Now, all of these decades later, our slippery when-wet government confirms that the spaceships and little green men are real, and we have many of these crafts in our possession. I am relieved to know my beliefs were correct. The next time I drive through Roswell, New Mexico, which will be next month on our way to Ruidoso for some mountain air and horse racing, I will feel relieved that I was right all along. May the force be with you, and all that goes with it.

22 Replies to ““The Truth Is Out There; We Are Not Alone. See… I Told You So!””

  1. My wife and I visited the museum in Roswell back in January 2010. They have probably expanded the museum since that time. We’ve also been to the Little A’Le’Inn in Rachel, Nevada as well as driven up to the gate of Area 51 (past the black mailbox). I’ve never seen a UFO, but I have an open mind (probably worthy of an alien probe).


  2. It wouldn’t surprise me if the government has been hiding things. Your early abduction would explain your superior blogging prowess and ability to tell “Tall Tales and Ripping Yarns from The Great State Of Texas.”
    But you’d better watch over Mrs. Phil because Mars Needs Women.


    1. Thank you, Herb; I take those words as a compliment. MoMo ( Mrs. Phil) always gets a little nervous when we drive through Roswell. The local Mcdonalds’ has an interior decked out like a flying saucer, and the employees don’t seem quite right. Last trip, she thought she spotted an alien walking on the sidewalk outside the eatery, but it was a big-headed kiddo in Spiderman pajamas. We always carry our tin-foil hats when we travel to New Mexico.

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      1. They were meant as a compliment, so I’m glad you took it that way. lol!
        I’d like to see a tin-foil cowboy hat! Maybe I should make one.


  3. Here’s my best guess: if the U.S. government swears on a stack of Bibles that there are definitely space aliens “out there” (other than those in the Democratic Party), they’re probably lying their patooties off.


  4. Hey Phil, be extra vigilant driving thru Roswell… you’re on their ‘superior’ human being list… the ‘small grey aliens’ were REAL…


  5. Nanu Nanu…I’m waiting for Mork. Actually…it is hard to believe someone actually said it.


    1. Maybe Robin will come back as an alien. If they look like Mindy, that would be great. Yep, hard to believe that those guys actually sat down and told us the truth, at last.

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  6. Well, you got me going with this one. Brought back memories of my UFO encounters, and my love of sci-fi. Part of that time was spent going through a list of 1950s sci-fi movies to see how many I saw and remembered. One of my early favorites was Conquest of Space from 1955. Dad was an engineer, and I was a science nerd. We both loved that one because it was the first, we’d seen that got the silence of a vacuum correct. I was surprised at how many I hadn’t seen or at least didn’t remember. Thanks for stirring up the memories.


  7. “The Tingler” got me. For months, I slept with the sheets pulled all the way up to my chin, and when it was too hot for sheets, I put a towel across my throat. I didn’t want the centipede looking monster crawling up on me and choking me to death in my sleep.


    1. Oh yeah, I forgot about that one. Also, The Beast With Five Fingers. Those were scary films for back then, tame now, but I prefer the older ones. Some of those are on Amazon.

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